What is Relaxation Massage?

Relaxation Massage is massage that is specifically given to relax the body and promote wellness. Relaxation massage has the intention of moving body fluids (such as lymph and blood), nourishing cells, removing wastes from cells, relaxing muscles and diminishing any pain If you fall asleep during your massage, that is exactly what your body needs so listen to it and let it take you into slumber. The therapist will use:

  • Long smooth gliding strokes that are rhythmic and flowing gentle kneading and rolling of skin and muscle, and perhaps some rhythmic rocking from side to side.
  • Pressure that is deeply relaxing, but not painful
  • A treatment that is designed to soothe and relax you, not to relieve chronic pain or other underlying ailments.

How will it feel?

As relaxation massage is usually a whole-body treatment,(this will be determined by the length of time of the appointment.) you will be made comfortable. If you’re self-conscious or want to keep some of your clothes on, advise your therapist. It’s your massage and you need to feel comfortable if you’re going to feel more relaxed! The room will be private and warm. Oil will be used during the treatment. Your therapist will work with what suits you and will use techniques including Long smooth gliding strokes that are rhythmic and flowing.

What can it treat?

Relaxation Massage can treat:

  • Stress
  • Improve circulation of blood and lymph
  • Enhance the removal of toxins
  • Relieve mental and physical tiredness
  • Improve flexibility and range of motion in joints
  • Increase suppleness and elasticity of muscles
  • Improve skin tone and nourishes the skin
  • Reduce aches, pains, spasm and stiffness
  • Reduces levels of anxiety
  • Decrease cellulite by moving fluids
  • Lowering blood pressure – at least for a while
  • Improvements to peripheral circulation
  • Improvements to skin tone and appearance
  • Improvements to gastrointestinal motility (bowel movements will become more regular)
  • Some reduction in muscle tension including the relief of muscle tension headaches
  • Improvements to any stress-related symptoms. This can include providing a gentle boost to the immune system if you undergo regular treatments.

What benefits might I receive?

When muscles are overworked, waste products such as lactic acid can accumulate in the muscle causing soreness, stiffness and even muscle spasm. Massage helps the body rid itself of toxins, improves circulation, boosts immune function and reduces muscular tension and helps the body to release endorphins, the body’s own repairing agents. A relaxation massage relieves stress and tension in your muscles and will leave you oozing with a sense of wellbeing.

Relaxation massage improves your circulation, so your organs and skin get more oxygen; it moves fluid through your lymphatic system. It also encourages your body to digest its food, and get rid of its toxins. It will help you to sleep better. This massage will also help un-knot any muscles, soothe aches and sprains and encourage the skin to heal minor abrasions.

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